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In cultures all over the world, there is a legend or expectation of a teaching, which will come in the time of tribulation and great strife on earth to unify humanity and bring
peace and tranquility. The great religions of the world also have prophesied such a revelation, which will come and explain the mystery of the universe (God), synthesize the religions of the world, and end the old era so the
New Order of the Ages can dawn. This expectation is NOW FULFILLED!
Topics covered:
How come Abdu'l
Bahá the son of
Bahá'u'lláh, denied the teaching of reincarnation? Could you expand a little more on what you wrote about the photon belt?
I believe that you said that you had scars on your wrists, and I was wondering why is that? Would you say that your past lifetimes were that of the
Messiah? I would appreciate anything that you could tell me to help maintain the hope to continue on in this life rather than spending most of my time looking forward to the next one. What really did
Muhammad say to followers to fight other disbelievers?
What is the truth about stories about Muhammad that come over like really immoral stories? Why do we assume the flesh and then have to spend the rest of our lifetime learning to be detached from it? Do we all have the opportunity to become Christ when we reach
Pure Consciousness?
I am curious about the position of women in the
Eternal Divine Path as opposed to and/or in relation to other major world religions. Why are there three Lotusticas in
The Greatest Sign and about their particular placement in The
Great Sign?
A woman is considered to be responsible for the fall of humanity? How can that be reconciled? Could you please speak about, or give the qualities of, a real seeker of truth? Have you been aware of a website with someone else using your same name and your same message all along? I saw your dedication page in THOTH, it looks similar to
Catholicism's attempt to equate
Mary the mother of God to the
Father and the
Mother and the Son?
Seven Seals are Opened!
The First Seal [I-Ching (),
Awakening of the
Spiritual Forces]: is called the Seal Of
The Awakening of the Spiritual Forces. It relates to all Mystical Paths and religions on earth. They include: Hinduism, Buddhism,
Kabala, Sufism,
Christian Saints, and any other path that the
Goal is to have a direct
Experience with God (Know Thyself To Know God,
Be Still and Know That
I Am God).
The I-Ching () is also called the
Yin and Yang sign. The two parts with different colors (white and blue) are the two modes in the universe known as positive and negative, male and female, cold and hot, etc. In our drawing of this
symbol, we also have an orange/red center in it. It is the symbol for the beginning.
The color orange/red is for energy, movement, creation, etc.
There are three I-Chings in The Greatest Sign.
The one in the center is the symbol for the beginning of the
Creation (
The Beginning). The one at the bottom is the beginning of one's spiritual journey. This I-Ching at the bottom is the
First Seal in The Greatest Sign. It is the only one which is in a horizontal position.
Anything in a horizontal position means: IS NOT AWAKENED (is asleep). When we want to sleep, we lie down (become horizontal).
The other two I-Chings are in a vertical position, meaning awakened.
The Second Seal [
Star Of
The Sign Of
Solomon (), Communities Of
Light]: This is the
Second Seal in The Greatest Sign. It symbolizes the teaching and history of the
Hebrews (the
Old Testament). The whole theme of the Old Testament (OT) is that God is trying to choose a community (
Children Of
Israel) that accepts Him as Their God and will
Obey His
Commandments. Therefore the Second Seal is related to the Communities that are based on God and follow the Eternal Divine Path (The Greatest Sign).
So the OT is also a part of the Seven Seals which God has
Revealed to humanity. It covers the Children Of Israel and brings the concept of the Communities Of Light. The triangle upward is the
Hierarchy Of
Heaven On Earth, and the triangle downward is the
Spirit Of God which is in this Hierarchy. In other words, the symbol means the Communities Of Light (human) reaching upward (triangle upward) and God reaching downward (triangle downward). Only such communities based on God, which follow the Eternal Divine Path, will prosper and help to bring
God's Kingdom on earth.
This is the second step in the Eternal Divine Path. The first step is the awakening of the Spiritual Forces.
The Third Seal [
Cross (),
Sacrifice, Not Being Self-Centered]:
To continue reading, click here: http://www.maitreya.org/english/GS
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 290